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How to Train Your Cat To Stop Scratching Furniture

Verlota Author
Published: February 1, 2020
Categories: Cat Ailments | Pet

There is nothing worse then coming home to find your cat has shred open your couch or taking a strip of paint off of your freshly painted door frame. You may think your cat is being a rebel or trying to get attention but in most cases that is far from the truth. Cats have been scratching everything and anything since the days of Cleopatra, it is ingrained in their DNA to scratch things. Scratching not only helps with their health but also their overall wellbeing. Cat scratching behavior is common and can be managed with the right training and discipline. Let’s stretch our nails into how to stop cats from scratching. Here we’ll dive into how to stop cats from scratching and where your cats scratching behavior comes from.  If you’ve got a feline that won’t stop scratching the couch we’ve got some simple steps you can take to learn how to train your cat to stop scratching furniture WITHOUT resorting to the cruel procedure of de-clawing.

How to stop Cats from Scratching

Why Is Your Car Scratching Sofas?


Why Cats Scratch

When a cat scratches a surface it’s in their nature to do so. The urge comes from their primal core, it’s not a phase that kittens go through, it’s something a cat does for their entire life.  Scratching couches or cats scratching sofas, beds, tables and other pieces of furniture isn’t meant to drive you wild – it’s an instinct or expression of emotion or behavior.

Scratching couches is part of their grooming

Unlike your messy dog, cats are constantly making sure their body is clean. On a daily basis cats will sit around and lick every inch of their fur, this is part of their grooming routine to keep themselves clean and their coat shinny. This is a classic grooming routine from any cat out there, but did you know that when they scratch and stretch their nails, it’s also part of their grooming routine. When a cat scratches a rough surface it removes the outer husks on their nails, they do this for the same reason anything sheds, to bring forth the healthier nail underneath. Many think their cat is scratching to sharpen their nails but they are actually just getting rid of their dull old nails.

Cats scratch furniture to help their muscles, joints and tendons

Just like an active human, stretching your body can feel great and provides endless health benefits. When a cat scratches it is stretching its muscles, tendons and joints, specifically their toes feet legs shoulders and back. Cats scratch multiple times a day to stretch out but they do their most aggressive scratching after waking up, so it’s always good to have a scratching post or pad near the areas where they sleep.

Feline scratching can be for marking their territory

Many don’t know this but cats paws contain a scent glad that when pressure is applied during the scratching motion leaves a particular smell. This smell is obviously undetectable by humans but is very apparent to other felines. The markings also made when a cat scratches is an indicator to other cats, this is why so many cats love to scratch things that are prone to shed. This is common with cats that live with other cats and alone. It stems from their wild ancestors who in the wild would routinely scratch random areas to leave a message to other felines or animals in the area. This is just like how dogs urinate on certain areas to “claim their territory”, it’s an animal instinct programmed in them at birth.

Scratching to show emotions

You’ve probably noticed this before when a cat runs up to a window after noticing something it wants to get at. They will start to scratch at the window it is looking through. This is down to them releasing energy after being excited or triggered by something. Like when a dog wags their tail after seeing another dog out the window, it’s the same with cats just a different expression. It’s recommended that you place a scratching post by any window your cat frequents on a regular basis, this will help them relieve some energy whenever they get overly excited.

How To Keep Cats From Scratching Furniture

How to keep cats from scratching

As we mentioned before, cats are going to scratch, it’s a normal cat scratching behavior, it’s in their DNA to scratch so there is no point in thinking they will just stop. When trying to keep cats from scratching furniture it’s not about stopping them from scratching all together, it’s about redirecting their scratching to a more appropriate area. Let’s take a look at how to stop cats from scratching furniture.

Scratching posts and cat furniture

It’s recommended that you have not one but multiple scratching posts throughout your house to help stop your cat from destroying your furniture. You want to put the scratching posts in areas where the cat normally scratches, for example if your cat goes behind the couch to scratch, place a scratching post directly behind the couch. Cat trees or cat condos are another great way to have your cat scratch in one particular area, if you have more then one cat then can condos are puuurfect as they can accommodate more then one cat at a time. When buying a post make sure you are getting the right one that best suits your cats needs, if your cat scratches the carpet then it’s best to get horizontal cardboard scratcher, wedge shaped ramps for cats who like to scratch the bottom of furniture or stand up post for the cats that like to put their full body weight behind scratching.

Make sure the materials of the posts are not just carpet covered, this sends a confusing message to the cat on why they can’t scratch the carpet but they can scratch the carpet on the post. Look for materials such as sisal rope or natural wood. When you decide on what cat furniture you need, rub it with your cats favorite catnip or play a game with them on the furniture which encourages your cat to mimic the motion of scratching. Make sure the post is also secure, the cat must have the confidence it can withstand their body weight if they are going to scratch at it on a daily basis. This is one of the most common ways on how to stop cats from scratching.

Cat proof your furniture

Just because you bought a scratcher doesn’t mean your cat is going to use it right away, they might take their time in learning their new cat scratching behavior and continue to scratch the areas they were before. Slipcovers are a great way to protect your furniture, they will block the scratched area and if the cat does return to scratch the same spot it wont be directly on your furniture anymore. Cats hate the noise of tinfoil, how many times have you been making dinner and had the cat go running when you take out the tinfoil. You can use tinfoil to tape to the areas the cat is scratching, the noise will turn them off and will have them running for the hills as well.

Play with you cat

Many cats are cooped up inside for most of the day and unlike dogs they don’t get taken for big walks when you get home. Cat scratching behavior can be a sign of a cat who has too much energy or is board. Spend some time with your cat by playing with their favorite toy or using a string. Your cat might also be experiencing higher level then anxiety or stress, it may be something that has changed in your household either moving, a new pet or even a new child in the house. Cats are independent and don’t like to be bothered but sometimes it’s a good idea to spend some quality time with them. Cats aren’t great at listening, the term sassy cat didn’t come from nowhere! But if your cat is scratching areas you don’t want them to try using some of these techniques to help them stop

Shake something noisy:

Get a can or bottle and fill it with coins or something that can make a lot of noise. Whenever your cat starts to scratch a forbidden area approach them while shaking the can or bottle and watch them run off in terror. After a few attempts the cat should begin to learn that you aren’t happy and hopefully put two and two together and stop scratching. This is a common way to keep cats from scratching and get them out of their current cat scratching behavior.

Use a water bottle spray:

I don’t think anyone likes to be sprayed with water, whether you’re a cat or a human. Gently spray your cat anytime they scratch the furniture and they should get the message pretty quickly. Eventually the sight of you grabbing the bottle will let them know they are in trouble. This is a great tip to stop cats from scratching and biting.

Put Them In A Timeout:

When trying to figure out how to stop cats from scratching, sometimes a cat just wont listen and they need a good timeout. When they scratch, just pick them up with a stern voice and say NO, then place them in the bathroom and leave them in there for 10-20 minutes. When they emerge they should have a changed attitude and hopefully understand why they were put into timeout.

Socks for Cats to Stop Scratching Furniture:

Simply put: your cats will hate this option, but socks or mittens on your cat’s paws can be an effective last-resort to stop your cat from scratching.

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