The health trend that’s sweeping the nation is a natural, hemp-based healing remedy with many amazing uses. Numerous diseases and the list is quite impressive, can be treated with CBD. These conditions include: anorexia, emesis, pain, inflammation, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease), epilepsy, glaucoma, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, obesity, and metabolic syndrome-related disorders (to name just a few). An investigation into this new compound is its ability to aid those who are living with Parkinson’s, Diabetes, and Epilepsy.
Cannabis & Hemp have been used for thousands of years as a form of medicine to treat many conditions. Both THC and CBD – cannabinoids found in both plants The reason for its ban in the past was due to its potential dangers on addiction, mental health and its association with crime. Federally, it has been reconsidered and welcomed into the monitored distribution. With this welcome into the medical world, we are able to investigate further into its abilities and ways of treating various conditions, as well as the scientific proof to understand its effects on the body.
In cannabis, cannabidiol is found (CBD) which is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Cannabis comprises cannabidiol which interacts with an essential part of the body’s system, being cannabinoids. Due to this group of compounds’ ability to heal, it is hard to turn the other cheek to their healing abilities which have led to our new welcoming arms across the nation for embracing its healing effects and working towards further studies. Due to their very low toxicity and the generally gentle side effects of this group of compounds, neglecting or denying their clinical potential has become unacceptable in the medical world. Instead, we need to work on the development of more selective cannabinoid receptor agonists/antagonists and related compounds, as well as on novel drugs of this family with better selectivity, such as CBD.
If you suffer from any medical conditions, this article will act as a guide for the potential healing benefits that CBD holds for those suffering from various forms of illnesses. Please consult with a health practitioner before using CBD to treat your health concerns to allow for a better, more efficient and comfortable way of healing.
how cbd can help with Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s disease affects the nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Symptoms of Parkinson’s include rigidity, tremors, and changes in speech and gait. After diagnosis, treatments can help to relieve symptoms but there are no known cures. Scientists believe that this degenerative disease comes from specific types of nerve cells that produce the chemical dopamine, which is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter. This causes symptoms like shaking, extremities, stiffness, loss of balance, shuffling steps, difficulty swallowing, insomnia, blank expressions, and emotional problems.
With the advancements of the medicinal studies of CBD, we are able to find a way of expanding ways of healing Parkinson’s and conditions related to or resulting from this disease. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2003) researched cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. They found that “cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and HIV dementia.”

Reports were shown on treating patients living with Parkinson’s noted a reduction in tremors, an increase in the ability to start and/or continue movements, less muscle rigidity, and decreased side effects from levodopa (a common medication used to treat those living with Parkinson’s).
It’s important to note that hemp-derived CBD is legal across all 50 states, however, marijuana-derived CBD is not legal in every state. The reason being that THC which is the other compound found in cannabis is responsible for other reactions from the body including a psychoactive ‘high’. There are two species of cannabis, marijuana, and hemp. Marijuana contains anywhere from 15-40% THC, while hemp is 0.3% THC. It is highly recommended to note that the CBD that we are referring to is hemp-derived and could have little to no risks. We recommend consulting with your doctor before using CBD to treat Parkinson’s.
CBD & diabetes
CBD has been used throughout history to treat diabetes, with many diabetic patients claiming that CBD lowers high blood sugar levels, lowers irritability, and stabilized mood changed. Although no studies have been made on the effects of CBD treating humans with diabetes, CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, modifies the immune response or the functioning of the immune system that are both relevant to the treatment of diabetes and its effects.
Many studies have been done on the effects that CBD could have on diabetes and its the way it aids those living with diabetes, healing methods, and treatments to side effects. Many studies have included demonstrating the ways that CBD could act as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes, grow nerve extensions, and provide a basis for potentially novel neuroprotective drugs for diabetic patients. Other studies found that CBD could help reduce diabetic neuropathies, reduction of retinal oxidative stress, treat diabetic neuropathies/nerve pain, and discovering that working with other certain diabetic medications can further healing.
Due to the correlation of emotions and how it can affect diabetes, the treatment of CBD for emotional response could further heal those who live with diabetes. This was a correlation that was found through a study at Harvard University entitled “Positive Emotion and Health: Going Beyond the Negative”. This found that the role of emotions on diabetes can be found within the improvement of health through positive emotions, and the downfall of negative emotions. Due to the demanding attention to detail that people who live with diabetes have to face on a day-to-day basis, emotions can play a serious role in impacting the monitoring of their body. When the mind is under stress response, attention to detail is not as well focused as it is when the mind is operating closer to peak performance. Due to the role that CBD could have on bettering and monitoring emotions, this could have a positive correlation on those living with diabetes. CBD could help regulate symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, focus and more.
Treating epilepsy with CBD
With the spark of CBD oil taking the health world by storm, you may ask how this can help an active individual or someone living with chronic pain. CBD is virtually side-effect free in comparison to other pain-relieving products, and not only does it help to block pain and reduce inflammation but CBD has many additional benefits. Some additional benefits could be aiding with building muscles, weight management, skin irritation or injuries, improving focus and mental alertness, improving your quality of sleep and treating anxiety as well as stress disorders.
With all the supplements on the market, nothing is as versatile, safe and naturally potent as CBD. CBD allows for a naturally empowering experience during your active routines.

Looking up stories online about the miracle that came with treating people suffering from epilepsy with CBD, the improvements are hard to deny. Many stories talk about a reduction of seizures and an improvement in the overall quality of life. These stories reference the use of CBD after many failed synthetic medications.
CBD oil coming from hemp plants contains no THC which could be beneficial to those who suffer from epileptic seizures. According to some research, about two-thirds of epilepsy patients will respond to the first or second medicine they’re given for epilepsy. Due to this, potentially once an epilepsy patient has taken two different medicines without relief, the odds that a third medication will work are less than one percent of the time. This leaves other options such as CBD as a potentially beneficial supplement to explore for those who live with epilepsy.
how cbd can help with other illnesses
For the sake of this article and diving into the potential that CBD has to offer for treatment, we only began to dip our toes in the water with three types of illnesses that CBD could help with.

We took a look into Parkinson’s, Diabetes and Epilepsy, however, the list for CBD’s potential benefits could affect the lives of those suffering with various other types of illnesses. As hemp-derived CBD is legal across all 50 states, this opens up the floor for further use and application of CBD to treat various illnesses. Whether the illness involves mental health, physical health or emotional health, CBD is proving to be the plant of many uses and with further studies will only improve the uses and accessibility people have to this plant.