Shop CBD for Dogs & Cats in El Paso
Give your pet a longer healthier and happier lifeWildThing Pets offers CBD for dogs and cats that can treat pain, anxiety, cancer, seizures and much more. Doesn’t your pet deserve the best life possible?
El Paso: Border City On The Verge Of Metropolis
El Paso. Most of you will probably feel hunger pangs when you first hear this name. Unfortunately, we’re not talking about the old taco fix-ins company. Fortunately for anyone who visits this budding metropolis though, El Paso is a fun place to call home, eat a steak, go for a hike, or just soak up the hot sun. El Paso is part of a unique border-crossing system, sharing its city-limits with Juarez – one of the most densely populated regions of Mexico, and the biggest municipality in the Chihuahua state. Between El Paso, Juarez & nearby Las Cruces the population is a whopping 2.5 million! There’s so many people, you could close your eyes, throw a chimichanga and no matter where it landed you’d ruin seven peoples’ outfits…
El Paso has a strong military background, likely due to the high traffic across the El Paso-Juarez border. There is also a very prominent police presence in the region. Although there are established and well-known criminal enterprises across the border in Juarez, El Paso was actually found to be one of the safest places to live in the U.S. throughout the 2010’s. The community of El Paso was shaped by, and embraces its Mexican heritage. This unique, US-Mexican hybrid metropolitan area of the Chihuahuan desert continues to develop along the shores of the Rio Grande river. In fact, the El Paso-Las Cruces area accounts for $92+ Billion in international trade! El Paso is not just a border city, it is a gateway that keeps people, products and profits running through the state of Texas.
Cowboys, Steakhouses & Sun… Lots of Sun
El Paso is known for many things, but there’s a few that stand out above the rest. Like the majestic Franklin Mountains, the El Pasoans are famous for their appetites for steak, their thirst for margeritas, and their capacity for soaking up the hot Texan sun. In fact, the fabled “Pancho” Morales was rumored to have created the iconic margerita in the mid-1900’s. “Sun City” is also a prime location to introduce your stomach to some prime rib – the region is home to numerous renowned steakhouses, each with their own claims to “best ____ steak in the Southwest”.
El Paso is full of some very “Texan” stereotypes – cowboy hats, boots, gunshows, big trucks and souped-up cars – but there’s no denying the El Pasoan ‘wild west charm’. But don’t let the cowboy hats fool you – this city is Democrat, its favorite hobbies include eco-tourism in the Franklin Mtn. Park, and it is a proud top-10 collegiate city with the local University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP). Like most of Texas, El Paso does things its own way.
In the Chihuahuan Desert, El Paso Is Little AND Big Dog Friendly
If you’re going to be in El Paso, you should bring your pets along for the ride. There’s over 50+ pet-friendly hotels, restaurants, and dozens of dog parks to frolic under the hot sun. Franklin Mountains State Park is the largest urban national park in the entire United States – let that sink in… Franklin Mtn is completely within the city limits (all 9,800 hectares!). That’s a lot of places to ‘mark territory’ and more things to sniff than your dog can handle in a lifetime. The park is open to rock climbers, hikers – obviously – and there are plans to construct numerous guided nature experience trails along the Rio Grande, and up the mountains to Ranger’s Peak.
El Paso, in general, is a great place to walk around with fido in tow. The city has been voted in the “top 5 most walkable cities” the last few years, and for good reason (largest American National Park inside city limits).
Many people who reside in El Paso, or come to visit, cross the border into Mexico to experience America’s southerly neighbor. El Paso’s culture was shaped by its neighbors Juarez & Las Cruces, and much of El Pasoan history has revolved around the border. This is very evident in their museums. El Paso is home to the National Border Patrol Museum – a place to witness the long and often-times chaotic history with the US-Mexico border. Right next door is the El Paso Museum of Archaeology.
The influences of Mexico on El Pasoan culture, cuisine and commerce are undeniable, and it is this unique relationship that makes El Paso a standout city in the Lone Star State.
El Paso has many festivals and events which you won’t want to miss out on. The Fiesta de las Flores is a popular three-day carnival-esque event with games, food, shows, parades and vendors – topped off with the naming of the “Queen”. The Amigo Airsho has been running for 31 years, and it exists as one of the top airshows in the country. People seeking loud music and flashing lights under the Texan sun should check out the Neon Desert Music Festival, Sun City Music Festival and Music Under the Stars. From latin-fusion, to country and electronic dance, these events cater to most musical aficiandos.
For a true El Pasoan sports experience, the UTEP teams are sure to entertain – and even if you’re not a real sports enthusiast, the fanatic fans will definitely impress. El Paso is the host to the penultimate Sun Bowl – second in College Football only to the iconic Rose Bowl. But there’s one team that deserves – nay, demands – your viewership, and that’s AAA Baseball’s El Paso Chihuahuas. Bark. Whoof. Yip. Howl. Go Chihuahuas!
Shop CBD for Dogs & Cats in El Paso
El Paso, like the popular tex-mex cuisine company, is full of flavor and a unique variety of experiences. El Paso has a deep connection to its history, but it does not prevent the city and its people from being progressive. With so much to do in this growing border region, it can be an exciting experience for you but don’t forget that thrills can be overwhelming for your pets. From heat-exhaustion, to over-stimulation and reactions to new elements – like foreign flora, fauna, wildlife and even food – canines and felines can suffer stress, anxiety and pain. Keeping a close eye on your pets throughout your stay, no matter how long, is crucial to ensuring they get the most out of your El Pasoan experience.
To avoid having to interrupt your sight seeing, or to avoid cutting the trip short altogether, CBD oil and treats can be very beneficial in the treatment and prevention of many pet ailments. Wild Thing Pets’ CBD oil and treats are safe, easy to use and are a favorite remedy of many American pets. CBD has been shown to have a calming effect on anxiety, can block pain and reduce inflammation, as well as increase focus and improve positive behaviors in pets.
A dehydrated pet can suffer from stress, loss of appetite and exhaustion. Our CBD oils and treats can help relieve stress, improve appetite and help Fido rest so you can both enjoy your time in “Sun City”.
Wild Thing Pets CBD Products
Pet CBD Oil Isolate (250 mg)
(19) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
Pet CBD Oil Isolate (500 mg)
(16) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
Pet Full-Spectrum Oil (FSO – 500 mg)
(9) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
Pet Full Spectrum Oil (FSO – 1000 mg)
(17) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
Pet CBD Oil Isolate (1000 mg)
(20) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
CBD Dog Treats Anxiety – Calming + Stress Relief
(17) $14.95 Read moreSee More Details -
CBD Dog Treats: Glucosamine
(16) $5.00 Read moreSee More Details -
CBD Dog Treats: Joint Pain & Inflammation
(21) $35.95 Read moreSee More Details
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