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Cancer in Cats

Verlota Author
Published: April 26, 2019
Categories: Cat Ailments | Pet

Cancer. The ‘Big C’. It’s an all-too-common factor in many people’s lives. Unfortunately, it’s also very prevalent in our pets. Nearly 1 in 5 cats will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime. How can we reduce that number? What can we do as loving pet owners for our beloved felines?

While our feline friends may not be as susceptible to cancer as our canine companions, it does still affect them. Cancer in cats can be harder to detect because they find a way to mask the illness, which causes more problems in the long run. Late detection of cancer in cats means late diagnosis, fewer treatment options and/or more costly ones.

According to the Animal Cancer foundation, 20% of cats will develop cancer in their lifetime. The types of cancer cats get are similar to the ones their owners get, like skin cancer, lymphoma and leukemia.

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Feline Cancer

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What Types of Cancer Occur in Cats

There are three types of cancer that cats most commonly suffer from and they are soft-tissue sarcoma, lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Not sure what these are? Don’t worry, we’re getting there.

What Types Of Cancer Occur In Cats?

Squamous cell carcinoma in cats (SCC) makes up about 10% of cancer in cats. It’s a a type of skin cancer usually found on exposed skin like the nose, ears and eyelids and is more common in fair haired cats exposed to lots of sunshine. If identified and treated early, cats can survive this type of cancer; however, it can be an aggressive cancers if not treated quickly.

Lymphoma in cats is considered to be the most commonly seen cancer in cats. Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that happens when lymphocytes (white blood cells) increase rapidly and uncontrollably. Lymphoma normally affects the intestines,nasal cavity, kidney and the liver.

Soft-tissue sarcoma in cats is hard to diagnose in its early stages. The first signs will be small bumps on the abdomen or limbs. The types of soft tissue that these bumps form on will directly affect the symptoms that follow which may include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy.

Again, these are just three of the most common types of cancers found in cats, but not the only ones.

Symptoms of Feline Cancer:

The sooner you identify that your cat may have cancer, the better your chances will be to fight it. As mentioned earlier, cats are good at masking illness, so it may not be easy to detect at first. Here are a few things to keep an eye out for:

  • Foul breath
  • Lumps
  • Sores that don’t heal
  • Irregular bowel movements.
  • Difficulty eating or swallowing
  • Difficulty urinating or defecating
  • Bleeding or discharge from the body
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Coughing
  • Stiffness



Cancer in cats tends to be aggressive and should you notice any of these symptoms you should see your veterinarian immediately. Only they can identify if it is in fact cancer and to what extent it is harming your cat. Remember, diagnosing it early will improve your chances of fighting the cancer.

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Treatments for Feline Cancer

Your veterinarian will give a thorough examination to your cat including a physical and possibly diagnostic imaging such as an ultrasound. To properly treat the cancer, they must first properly diagnose it. Depending on the location, type and stage of the cancer treatments will vary significantly. Some of the more traditional cancer treatments in cats include:

  • Oral medication
  • Chemotherapy through Intravenous
  • Radiation therapy
  • Removal of the tumor through surgery

Additionally, you may considering trying immunotherapy, nutritional therapy and acupuncture. There is far more known about cancer in cats today that ever before and that means more you have more options than ever before when it comes to treatments.

Treatments For Feline Cancer

Why CBD Can be an Effective Treatment for Feline Cancer

CBD – or Cannabidiol – can be an effective remedy for symptoms of your cat’s cancer.

Why CBD Can be an Effective Treatment for Feline Cancer

CBD – or Cannabidiol – can be very beneficial for the prevention and treatment of cancer.  CBD oils and treats can assist in the prevention of infections and reduction of tumors, lessen the effects of lethargy, gastrointestinal issues and skin & coat deterioration.  

CBD is generally effective and it has been widely used for fighting the effects of cancer in cats. Think of CBD as a supplement that can reduce the severity and frequency of most cancer symptoms, and it also has the benefit of reducing anxiety, stress and nervousness.

CBD also has the capacity to block pain receptors from being triggered, effectively stopping chronic pain or mental fog from taking their toll on your cat.  Cannabidiol does not just block the pain however, it can also reduces swelling and inflammation in the body.

CBD is a phytocannabinoid that has been shown to have a prominent effect on numerous ailments.  CBD does this by interacting with your cat’s endocannabinoid system. Almost all animals, like people, have an endocannabinoid system; this network of neurotransmitters is integral to physiological processes like memory, mood, pain, stress and appetite.

CBD can help your cat by producing anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects indirectly – that is, CBD interacts with your cat’s ECS (Endocannabinoid System) opposite to THC which directly binds to the Cannabinoid Receptors of the body.  This does two things: makes the positive remedial properties more bioavailable to your pet; and lessens or negates the psychoactive effects, such as those associated with THC ingestion.

As you can see by the wide scope of ailments that CBD effects, it is clear how introducing CBD into your cat’s recovery routine can help them fight the good fight.

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