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CBD: A Lifelong Supplement & Remedy for Your Lifelong Best Friend

Verlota Author
Published: June 11, 2019
Categories: Pet
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A dog’s health can be a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of ailments

For many families, their dogs are just like children, siblings or even parents.  Just like our human family, our beloved canines go through many ups-and-downs in their health and happiness.  No person or animal is immune to life’s many ailments, but there is a remedy for almost all of your dog’s maladies: CBD oil for dogs and dog treats from Wild Thing Pets.

Wild Thing Pets is made up of this type of person. We created our quality products for this dedicated dog owner, and we provide the best customer service possible because we appreciate people like this.  Are you a good dog owner? If this description sounds like you, then Wild Thing Pets wants to be as dedicated and loyal to YOU, and especially to your dogs.

A dog’s health can be a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of ailments

Cannabinoids & Their Effects on Animals

Cannabidiol sourced from hemp is a potent treatment for everything physiological, neurological and even the psychological inner workings of our furry friends.  Young, playful puppies often melt our hearts with their innocence and jubilant personalities… only to undo that “awe” factor by shredding your magazines or having an “accident” on the brand new rug.  CBD is often relied upon in a “reactionary” capacity – when injury or pain happens, you give your dog his/her favorite CBD oil or flavored dog treat and watch as the problem goes away. Cannabidiol is indeed a very potent, and immediate remedy for most of your dog’s health problems, but when it is supplemented into a dog’s diet before the problem occurs, that’s when you can truly maximize the benefits from CBD.  So, instead of waiting for your kids’ cuddly, new – and probably not-yet trained – puppy to start making a mess of your house, introduce CBD into his or her daily routine.  Relax and enjoy a calm, focused and healthy young dog.

On the flip side, senior dogs and canines suffering from debilitating illnesses or conditions are an obvious candidate for CBD use.  We’ve all had “Old Yellers” that struggled to keep up, slowed down in their activity, and had their hearing, eyesight and bodily functions deteriorate before our eyes.  It is hard to watch our loved ones age, but with CBD oil and dog treats you can reinvigorate your dog’s quality of life. Not only can CBD change your dog’s outlook on life, but CBD supplementation is essential to helping prevent many ailments from affecting your dog.  A healthy dog is a happy dog – and a happy owner.

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Cannabinoids & Their Effects on Animals

What is Cannabidiol? Why is Hemp Better for My Dog?

What is Cannabidiol? Why is Hemp Better for My Dog?

Cannabidiol – or CBD, as it’s commonly known – is the naturally occurring phytocannabinoid found most prominently in the cannabis & hemp plants.  Although the legalized landscape for Hemp (US) and Cannabis (Canada) is fairly new, the benefits of CBD is ubiquitous in numerous countries and cultures.  Hemp cultivation has been a part of the human story for thousands of years, and with the lid taken off Federal hemp restrictions, we are in an era where the medical knowledge and research for CBD will catapult our health, and the health of our furry loved ones, into another level.
One of the best properties of CBD is that it is non-psychoactive; unlike its counterpart and much-maligned cannabinoid cousin, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not cause the “haze” or “intoxication” associated with THC consumption.  Furthermore, CBD is non-addictive and can actually assist in lessening the psychoactive effects of THC when taken together.

What Can CBD Do for My Dog?

Age and quality of life are definitely two leading factors for why many people utilize CBD oil for their pets, but one often overlooked reason is Dog Breed.  It is common knowledge that many breeds have certain illnesses associated with them.  Be it caused from breeding/genetics, environmental factors, or even societal impacts – such as “fighting dog” breeds of the past – our dogs can suffer from similar conditions.  CBD does not discriminate between ailments, nor does it affect breeds any differently. In fact, CBD is actually one of the few remedies on the market that is consistent and effective across all dog types.  Does your Pug have hyper-stress disorder brought on by their breathing issues? CBD can help soothe their anxiety. Has your Doberman or Rottweiler developed a particular hatred of the mail delivery person? Introduce CBD oil on the tongue or in their food, and before you let your resident “Guard Dog” out for the day, he or she will be calm, but focused.

CBD is specific enough to numerous conditions, but generally applicable to almost all of your dog’s health issues.  Prevention and treatment are two very different approaches, but with CBD oils and dog treats you can cover both methods with your dog’s health and wellness.

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Verlota product line has been formulated to cover every facet of your dog’s health and quality of life. For daily CBD intake, our Regular Dog Treats & Oils can be introduced easily into any routine. Arthritis keeping your dog in bed? Pain & Inflammation Dog Treats & Oils are all you need to get your dog outdoors again and living the good life again. Does your dog have severe anxiety or nerves from a traumatic event? Verlota Calming CBD Dog Treats & Oils can make the difference between a calm and relaxed dog – giving both you and your dog peace of mind. We offer a diverse line of Isolate Oil and Full-Spectrum Oil for that extra potency. CBD oils can be taken on your dog’s tongue, in their food or even in a drink – and it’s delicious, so there’s no “tail between the legs” when it’s time to medicate with Verlota products.

It’s time to experience the benefits of CBD today – whether your dog is young, old, fast or slow, big or small, CBD is the remedy for your dog’s health and happiness.

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What Can CBD Do for My Dog?

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Verlota Inc. products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information contained in or made available through Verlota.com website is not intended to constitute or substitute legal advice or consultation from medical or veterinary professionals. See verlota.com/terms-and-conditions

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