Have you ever watched a dog eat? It is truly the highlight of their entire day. In fact, most of the day is spent with most dogs begging for puppy food. Not because they are being starved, but because food is the substance that provides them with energy and boosts their immune system. Food is arguably the most important thing to your dog and when they aren’t showing love for their food, like they normally do, that is usually a sign that something may be wrong. When you think about the times you have been under the weather or in a position that the thought of food wasn’t very enticing, it was simply easy for you to voice your discomfort and take medicine or heal in your own way. Dogs aren’t afforded the luxury of being able to voice their discomfort as clearly as we humans can. So when your dog, who should be crashing through walls like the Kool-Aid man at dinner time, isn’t showing the level of excitement they normally do for lunchtime, that may be a sign that something is wrong. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind your dog’s lack of appetite and how CBD dog appetite stimulants and soothers might be what your pooch needs to get their nose back in their bowl.

What Causes a Loss of Dog Appetite?

We can lose our appetite for any number of reasons. Sometimes, after an exhausting exercise, we just don’t have the craving to eat for a few hours. A bad day, or increased stress levels, can lead to our loss of appetite as well as a host of other mental issues. Pain, injuries and hard-to-notice illnesses can contribute to the reasoning as well. Dogs are the same.
Like we covered in our opening statement, eating is the best part of every dog’s day. When they are showing disinterest in the food in their bowl or just flat out avoid it, that is usually a cause for investigation. Not every instance where your dog experiences a loss of appetite requires an emergency trip to the vet, however. In most cases, it’s not recommended to take your dog to the veterinarian until they have avoided food for roughly 48-hours. Any timeframe leading up to that point could simply be explained away by bad food or an upset stomach. Remember, dogs love to eat. They’re omnivores. That means that, most of the time, a dog will eat anything that is considered “edible”. Sometimes, just because it’s edible, that doesn’t mean it’s a good choice of food for your furry friend. If you notice that your dog is ignoring their food or refusing to eat, it is likely that they just got into something they shouldn’t have and are experiencing indigestion or an upset stomach. If the refusal to eat pushes past the 24-hour mark, it may be more serious and a vet visit should be scheduled.
While most instances of appetite loss can be rationalized down to some type of upset stomach, that is not always the case. Once a dog has refused their food for more than a day, that could be a sign of a more serious issue. In the same way that people can have multiple reasons for refusing to eat their food, dogs are quite similar. There are loads of possible reasons that your dog may be refusing to eat their meals. We recommend visiting your veterinarian for any cases of loss of appetite that extend beyond 48-hours because it could be a sign of injury, bacterial infections, kidney failure, anxiety, stress and depression. Told you there were lots of reasons. Most of these ailments can show the same types of signs. Discomfort, nausea in dogs, pain & inflammation, all of which are catalysts for why a dog may be refusing to eat their food. Have you ever wanted to eat a 3-course meal when you’re nauseated? Likely, no. It’s the same for dogs. The fact that they can’t tell us exactly what the reasoning is is why you must schedule a vet visit to get to the bottom of their issues. This is why giving your CBD for your dog’s appetite is so important because it’s11 safe, natural and effective.
Can CBD Oil Increase Appetites in Dogs? How to Increase Your Dog’s Appetite, the Natural Way

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a magnificent extract that has been used in holistic and alternative medicines for thousands of years. It’s only in the past 60 years that science has realized it’s usefulness in us and our pets. CBD appetite stimulants for dogs is gaining popularity, and with so many kinds of CBD products to choose from its easy have your dog’s appetite increased without the fuss of adding a new pill that’s tough to swallow. Many dog appetite boosters deal with flavoring or aroma additives, but CBD appetite stimulants for dogs deal with many of the contributing problems as well as the core issue of picky eaters.
Every mammal on earth has something called the “Endocannabinoid System”. This series of receptors, usually referred to as CB1 and CB2 receptors, control various parts of the bodies from appetite to pain receptors. While there are still many studies being done, and more that need to be done, on the topic, results have shown to be relatively positive thus far. By introducing this extract to your pet, not only can you increase their overall health and quality of life, but it can greatly aid in appetite issues within your dog.
Can CBD oil increase appetite in dogs? You bet your favorite bone it can! One of the biggest benefits of CBD oil dogs is to stimulate appetite by lowering discomforts, relaxing their body and mind and allowing their systems to work efficiently. Typically, the root cause of poor appetites has to do with nausea, inflammation, bloating or something bothering their stomachs. CBD appetite stimulants for dogs have the ability to reduce nausea and vomiting, leading to a happier pup who is more likely to wolf down their food, as usual. In most illnesses and injuries, nausea can be a staple symptom. CBD for dogs’ appetites can greatly improve their condition by reducing the nausea that is causing their refusal to eat and allowing them windows to intake the nutrients they need. The same can be said for instances where pain or inflammation is the root cause of their loss of appetite. CBD dog appetite stimulants can help not because it gives them the “munchies”, but because it lessens the effects of an illness they’re trying to combat.
However, it goes without saying – even though we’re going to – that CBD is not a miracle cure. If your dog is suffering from a more serious issue like kidney disease or cancer, CBD can only be used to be an appetite stimulant and not a medication for those illnesses. Remember: in all cases where a dog appetite has been gone for 48 or more hours, always consult a veterinarian as there may be more serious issues at play. CBD oil for dogs to stimulate their appetite can be included in your pet’s routine safely, but always be sure to check with your dog-doctor before trying one of these naturally derived products.
If you’re looking for a dog appetite booster, which CBD dog appetite stimulant is right for your K9? While CBD for your dog’s appetite can be effective as a dog treat, sometimes it’s better to just trick your pet into taking their medicine. While we do carry a variety of CBD dog treats, a fussy dog can be a handful. Even though you’ve spent hours and resources trying to learn how to increase your dog’s appetite, they’re often not in the mood for cooperating with unknown flavors or odd textures like with pills. That’s why it’s recommended to use our line of CBD oils for dogs to stimulate their appetites. They can be easily administered into your dog’s water dish or, if they’re refusing to drink as well, you can apply the drops under their tongue for faster results. These kinds of versatile CBD dog appetite stimulants are convenient, compact and virtually tasteless (so no wrestling your pooch just to get them to take a pill or “flavored” medicine).
Appetite Stimulant For Dogs

When any creature refuses to eat, it’s usually not a good sign. Eating is how every animal gets the energy and nutrients they need to survive the day. Active animals tend to need a higher calorie intake to burn throughout the day while smaller, more reserved animals tend to eat less because they expend less energy. It’s when an animal refuses to eat that it means something is wrong. There are many CBD appetite stimulants for dogs that you can choose from and many companies will claim that their CBD for your dog’s appetites are ‘different’ or innovative. The key to finding out who or what is best is through research and asking questions. If you’re unsure of what to do when your dog stops eating, a vet is just a phone call away. For any health concerns or issues plaguing your fur-baby, consulting the opinion of your vet should always be high on the priority list. Once they have deduced if it is a serious problem or not, you can start asking them and yourself: does CBD stimulate appetite in dogs? CBD oil for your dog’s appetite is meant to aid in the recovery process with the introduction of CBD as a dog appetite booster and to improve their overall quality of life. A healthy eating dog is a happy dog, which leads to a happy pet owner.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Will CBD oil increase dog appetite?
CBD won’t give your dog “the munchies”, but it can aid in increasing their appetites. It does this by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, and metabolism, to reduce the symptoms of what may be causing their lack of appetite, given them a window to feed.
Can I give my dog CBD oil to calm him down?
Yes. CBD oil for dogs has a calming effect on animals, and people, that will often give them a calming feeling, making it perfect for loud celebrations or large gatherings.
What can I give my dog to increase her appetite?
If it’s a simple case of an upset stomach, CBD can be used to increase a dog’s appetite or be used as an appetite stimulant. It’s interaction with their endocannabinoid system has been shown to reduce the symptoms causing their lack of appetite, allowing them to eat. However, if your dog has refused to eat for 48 hours or more, a veterinarian visit should be scheduled immediately.
How long does it take for CBD oil to start working in dogs?
The amount of time for CBD to begin working varies depending on the dogs weight and size. In most cases, you can see the effects within a few days, but it often takes a week to two weeks to see results.
Do vets recommend CBD oil?
While vets have and do recommend CBD for use with many applications, they are still restricted by outdated laws from the American Veterinary Medical Association. They may offer input on CBD for your pet, but due to these laws they can not prescribe or administer it to your pet.