If your dog has ever had a seizure in front of you, it can be very very scary. You may feel helpless and be really worried about your four-legged best friend. It’s not uncommon for a dog to experience a seizure but it is common for dog owners to be completely unprepared. Veterinarians are likely to prescribe your dog with specific medications as a dog seizure treatment, but with those medications comes with a grocery list of side effects some dog owners don’t want their pup to experience. This has lead many dog owners turning to more natural or homeopathic remedies, which are becoming more popular options amongst dog owners. CBD Oil is first option for million of Americans to help manage their dogs seizures, here we’ll take a look at the various remedies for seizures in dogs and do seizures treatment.
How effective is CBD oil for seizures?
Cannabidiol (CBD) can be a very effective remedy for treatment and prevention of seizures in dogs. CBD oil for seizures in dogs are known to support your dog’s health and can contribute to reducing thse frequency and severity of their epileptic episodes. CBD for seizure control in dogs can assist in the prevention of seizure-events, so it is best relied on as a preventative measure. However, CBD oil for seizures in dogs can also provide immediate relief from the symptoms of a seizure – such as by reducing the intensity of a seizure or helping your dog to cope with the stress or anxiety caused by these epileptic episodes.
How does CBD help your dog with their canine seizures? Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid that has been shown to have a prominent effect on numerous ailments – including epilepsy and seizures. Remedies containing CBD achieve this by interacting with your dog’s endocannabinoid system. Almost all animals, like people, have an endocannabinoid system; this network of neurotransmitters is integral to physiological processes like memory, mood, pain, stress and appetite.
As you can see by the wide scope of ailments that CBD effects, it is clear to see how introducing CBD into your dog’s routine can help to minimize not just seizures, but a vast profile of ailments. CBD for seizures control in dogs can chance the way you treat and prevent your dog’s seizures.
How to use CBD oil for dogs seizures?
Just like with us humans, CBD can be a very effective preventative measure for reducing the frequency of seizures or minimizing their severity. CBD oil for seizures in dogs has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. Cannabidiol – especially products derived from hemp – are becoming a fixture in many peoples’ and animals’ seizure treatment regiments. Why is CBD so effective? Well, CBD has the ability to not only reduce the frequency of seizures but also to ease the severity of epileptic episodes when they occur.
Many pet owners are choosing to give their dogs CBD oil and dog treats throughout the day as snacks/supplements of a healthy diet. Cannabidiol can provide on-demand relief from seizures, but most pet owners try to minimize the chances of seizures occurring by administering CBD oil to their canines in their water/food multiple times a day.
The best results with CBD oil for seizures in dogs can be achieved with a lot of patience, persistence and proactivity. These “3 P’s” can go a long way towards helping you provide life-changing care for your canine’s epileptic condition. With regular CBD ingestion, dogs with minor seizure symptoms can manage their epileptic episodes to a minimum. On the other paw, even canines suffering from frequent, severe seizures can reduce the intensity of their seizures with higher doses of cannabidiol derived from hemp.
As always, any Verlota Pet CBD products are THC-free and sourced from 100% American grown hemp. This means no risks of psychoactivity in your dog, so less stress for both you and your pet – just the healing powers of hemp.
CBD As natural remedy for seizures in dogs
Another natural remedy for seizures in dogs is CBD and another great home remedies of dog seizures is the non psychoactive cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant, it has been proven to deal with things like anti-inflammatory, pain, anxiety and seizures in dogs and well known as a natural treatment for dog seizures. CBD like other cannabinoids interacts with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which is a biological system that is found in all mammals from humans to dogs. The ECS is built out of two main receptors known as the CB1 and CB1 receptor which can interact with both endocannabinoids (produced naturally by the brain) and cannabinoids like CBD sourced from plants. When taking CBD it interacts with both the CB1 and CB2 receptors which has shown signs that it can create anti-inflammatory responses which helps with reducing pain. Research has suggested, once processed by the ECS, CBD has the ability to affect specific receptors and channels in the brain that can help calm the rapid, abnormal firing of neurons, and thereby help control seizures.
CBD acts as an anti-convulsant which helps towards controlling seizures. A study out of Colorado State University has found in a small study that 89 percent of dogs who received CBD in the clinical trial had a reduction in the frequency of seizures. Nine dogs were treated with CBD, while seven in a control group were treated with a placebo.And, unlike some traditional medications for dogs, CBD oil has no life-threatening side effects when used in the proper dosage. It doesn’t pose a risk to the kidneys, liver, or GI trac.
Not sure where to start with CBD and your dog? Not to worry, Wild Thing Pets has you covered! Wild Thing Pets has some amazing products that are easy to use, tasty for your dog and will provide them with amazing relief.
To start we recommend trying CBD Dog Treats , packed with delicious flavors and CBD dog treats are easy to feed your dog and will have them coming back for more. If your dog is having trouble eating and we recommend trying a CBD Pet Tincture , a few drops under your dogs tongue or into its water dish and they should start to feel better in no time. It’s important to start slow when giving your dog CBD and increase the dosage after you see how your dog reacts.
Other Natural Remedies & Treatments

Like humans, a clean and healthy diet can play a vital role in disease prevention and living a longer life, this is one of the most looked passed natural remedies for seizures in dogs and as a dog seizure treatment. Your dogs food is very important to contributing to your dogs health and well being, knowing the nutritional profile of what your dog is eating can make a huge difference in your dogs health. The ingredients should contain things like phytochemicals and antioxidants serve as neuroprotectants, reduces inflammation, ward off disease and provide optimal nutrient absorption. Your dogs dietary habits should not only try and help with anti-inflammatory but also strengthening the dogs immune system function, having a strong immune system is key in preventing smaller issues from turning into larger serious issues.
Research points towards that a poor quality diet where things like chemicals, fillers, stabilizers, coloring agents, sodium nitrate and by products can lead to a long list of common ailments that can contribute to dogs eventually having a seizure. Ketogenic diets, high fat and low carb diets—have been thought to be helpful in patients with epilepsy, as high fat can help decrease neuron excitability. Supplements such as fish oil can help with the overall health of your dog in other ways to help reduce or prevent seizures. Fish oils have something called DHA which is an omega-3 fatty acid which is known to help with brain regulation and processes, it has been known in children to increase the seizure threshold with no reason for that not to be effective in dogs. It’s important to consult your veterinarian when implementing supplements and dietary changes in your dog. This is a vital home remedy for dog seizures and is usually looked past with many dogs.
Acupressure and Ice
Acupressure has been known to help relieve an animals tension during a seizure. Accupressure is when you target a certain pressure point on the dogs body which is mean to help regulate bodily energy, aiding disease and healing and helping health. When a dog is having a seizure their pressure point in located at the base of a dog’s nose, pressuring right above their upper lip with a good amount of pressure for around a minute. This has been known to help ease the dogs tension during a seizure. Another option is applying an ice pack to the dog when they are experiencing a seizure. When a dog experience a seizure its body temperature raises, placing an ice pack on the dogs neck while they experience a seizure has been known to lessen the severity and length of the seizure.
Homeopathic remedies
When looking at homeopathic remedies for helping reduce seizures in dogs there are a few homeopathic remedies that have been reported to be helpful and a great option for home remedies for dog seizures.
Belladonna was used in a study on ten dogs with epilepsy who were given 3 to 4 drops of the remedy during a seizure, 15 minutes apart, until the researchers saw a considerable reduction in seizure activity. After that it was given four times a day. Over the next two to three weeks, the researchers found that the continued use of Belladonna greatly reduced the number of seizures the dogs had, and long term no fits were observed during the 2 to 7 months follow-up. Belladonna can be given twice daily in addition to the conventional medication; the dose being one 30C tab per 30lbs twice daily
Aconite is used to treat things such as fear, anxiety and restlessness, Aconite is useful for sudden conditions ( such as during a seizure), dosing it at one 30C tab per 30lbs every 15 minutes.
Choline is used in humans when they have certain nerve disorders, choline helps make a nerve chemical called acetycholine. Specifically the choline product called Cholidin can help with seizures in dogs. It can be given with conventional medication, at a dose of 1-2 pills daily for a small dog, and 2-4 pills given daily for a large dog.
Make sure to consult with your veterinarian or homeopathic doctor before giving your dog any of these remedies. If given incorrectly it could cause more harm to your dog then good.
Common Seizure Medications for Dogs

Keppra (Levetiracetam)
A new anti-seizure medication for dogs, this medication has been used for seizures in humans for a number of years. This has been used by veterinarians for dogs who are newly diagnosed with seizures or was taking the medication Phenobarbital beforehand. When a dog takes levetiracetam it is processed by the kidneys and not the liver which makes safer for some dogs, especially those with liver problems. It also can be mixed with other anti-seizure medications, which allows for smaller doses to be taken. Levetiracetam does have to be administered 3 times a day which can be difficult for dog owners who at work for most of the day.
This is likely the medication your dog has been taking if it has been experiencing seizures for the last couple of years, but it is less commonly used today due to how to interacts with the dogs liver. When taking phenobarbital it processes through the liver which can lead to permanent liver damage. When taking this drug the dog also requires regular bloodwork to ensure that the appropriate blood levels are reached and for drug monitoring as phenobarbital is classified as a controlled substance due to its high addiction rates. If your dog has any other health issues like thyroid disease or Cushing’s disease… this drug is not a great choice.
Potassium Bromide
Is the most commonly prescribed medication and is known as one of the most reliable dog seizure treatment for dogs. Potassium helps control seizures competing with chloride ions for access to brain tissues. By increasing the level of bromide in your dog’s brain the chloride level drops. The electrical activity is inhibited which makes it difficult for a seizure to start.
There may not be the most natural treatment for dog seizures but they are important for helping your dog reduce their seizures. Consult with your veterinarian before taking any of the above listed medications.
Verlota CBD

Verlota offers a wide variety of amazing CBD pet products, formulated with pets in mind each one of our CBD pet products is formulated to provide a potent remedy for many of your pet’s ailments. Each one of our products is, 100% THC free = ZERO psychoactive effects, extracted from organically grown, 100% American hemp, chemical-free: No solvents, preservatives, herbicides, or pesticides and lab-tested for quality and consistency.
For your dog we recommend any one of our great CBD Pet Oil Tinctures , each is formulated to provide a potent remedy for all your cats aches and pains. Containing 1:1 gram of CBD isolate per gram of oil, this product is one of the most convenient and inexpensive ways to accurately administer pure CBD to your pets. Our hemp derived isolate is prepared using pure crystalline CBD sourced from locally grown hemp plants of the highest quality. The extract is then blended with Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) coconut oil; the high bioavailability of coconut makes it an excellent carrier for CBD, our CBD Oil can be added to your pet’s food or administered straight under their tongue – no bite, no bark, no hassle.
What can I give my dog for seizures?
There are many treatments for canine seizures – some are over-the-counter medications or prescribed pills from your veterinarian, while others prefer to use natural supplements like CBD, milk thistle, valerian, ginkgo biloba etc.
Can seizures be cured permanently?
There is no known, definitive cure for epilepsy or seizure disorders in canines. However, the earlier you treat seizures or try to prevent them by taking supplements will lead to manageable symptoms for your dog’s entire life.
Are seizures painful for dogs?
Seizures are not inherently painful for dogs, but in their thrashing about your dog can injure themselves or others if you’re not careful.