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Benefits Of CBD Oil And CBD Treats For Dogs?

Verlota Author
Published: February 10, 2020
Categories: Pet

Whether your loyal best friend is a working dog, a lazy mutt, giant and fluffy or small and coarse, CBD can affect major positive change for dogs of all shapes and sizes.  Many breeds have numerous disorders and physiological problems associated with them, but we’re here to tell you that CBD is versatile enough to match many of your dog’s ailments. 

Perhaps you’ve heard about CBD oil, an all-natural treatment that’s trending big-time for humans — and now for pets as well. Can your dog benefit from CBD oil or CBD treats? Here’s everything you need to know about CBD treats for your dog’s benefit.

Article Overview

  • CBD treats for your dog’s benefits
  • CBD dog treats vs CBD oil
  • Is CBD safe for dogs?
  • CBD dog treats: benefits vs risks

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the flowers and buds of cannabis (marijuana or hemp plants). CBD, however, doesn’t produce the “high” associated with marijuana because it doesn’t contain the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  This is the first and foremost benefits of CBD dog treats.

For further clarification, hemp and marijuana both come from the cannabis plant but contain different levels of THC. Marijuana can contain 30% THC or more, while the hemp plant typically contains 0.3% THC or less. So, while marijuana-derived CBD oil is still illegal in most states, hemp-derived oil is legal in all 50 U.S. states.  

CBD Dog Treats vs CBD Oil: What Are the Benefits of CBD for Pets?

Many people think CBD oil and hemp oil are essentially the same, but they’re not.


CBD is an active cannabinoid compound that comes from the leaves, flowers and sometimes stems from mature cannabis plants. It’s this compound that provides the medical and therapeutic CBD treats for dogs benefits.

Hemp Oil

In contrast, hemp oils are made from cannabis seeds, which contain little to no CBD (or THC, for that matter). While hemp seeds don’t share the same therapeutic characteristics as CBD, hemp oils have their own unique nutritional benefits. Many pet owners use hemp oil as a nutritional supplement because it’s vitamin and mineral-rich.

CBD treats for your dog’s benefits are meant to be a more convenient delivery method of the benefits of CBD for dogs.  CBD oil is great at supporting your dog’s health but as many pet owners know it’s no easy task to get your pooch to sit still and take medicine.  CBD oil can be added to your pup’s food or water, but why not skip the fuss and feed them CBD dog treats with many benefits to their wellbeing?

Is CBD Safe For Dogs?

Human use of CBD oil is growing in popularity, but what are CBD treats for your dog’s benefit? Is it safe for our canine friends and other pets? Many vets have started recommending CBD oil for dogs, even as veterinary scientific research into this new treatment is in its infancy.

One small study from Colorado State University found that healthy dogs overall tolerated CBD well, with reports of some mild diarrhea and slightly elevated serum ALP (liver enzyme) levels. Researchers say that more extensive studies are necessary to determine any long-term effects of CBD on dogs’ livers but found no immediate threat of liver toxicity.

Many studies in humans show that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory effects and can help with anxiety, aggression, pain, seizures, muscle spasms and neurological disorders.

There’s also a ton of anecdotal evidence from pet parents on online forums, social media and other channels about CBD treats for dogs benefits they’ve seen in their dogs. It’s also important to note that we haven’t seen any reports of major side effects or negative health concerns from pet parents (or veterinarians, for that matter) using CBD oils or treats.


What Are CBD Treats for Dogs Benefits?

Dr. Erin Chu, a veterinary geneticist at Embark Veterinary, studied veterinary medicine and weighs in on her thoughts on CBD’s side effects and safety.

“CBD is not for every pet. Side effects potentially due to CBD treatment have been reported (McGrath et al, 2018). Further, CBD might be just one part of a comprehensive care plan that you build with your veterinarian! Talk with your veterinarian about all the possible options to manage your pet’s ailment, be it chronic pain, behavioral issues, or other. And give your vet some time to do their research! CBD is as new to pet health as it is to humans, and we as a profession are still learning (albeit very quickly!).”

How Can CBD Help My Dog?

Like humans, dogs and cats have an endocannabinoid system that allows them to benefit from CBD oil. This system allows the active ingredients in hemp to help relieve many symptoms. Learn more about the canine endocannabinoid system.

CBD dog treats benefits include:

  • Ease anxiety and stress
  • Help your dog handle pain
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce frequency of epileptic seizures
  • Aid in digestion (also see information about dog probiotics and tips to cure a dog’s upset stomach)
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Help your dog sleep

These are not the only benefits of CBD dog treats vs CBD oil for pets, but they are the most common reasons why pet owners turn to CBD treats for their dog’s benefit.

CBD Oil For Dogs Infographic

CBD Oil For Dogs Infographic

Are Experts Studying CBD For Pets?

Several research studies are currently underway to study the efficacy of CBD to treat different conditions in dogs. Watch this Denver news coverage to learn more about one study being conducted at Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

How Do I Find High-Quality CBD Oil?

Since CBD oil for pets isn’t yet regulated, there are some vital factors to consider when searching for the most effective and safe products.1

  1. Is it organic? High-quality CBD oils are made from organically-grown hemp that are free of toxins.
  2. How is it processed? Safe methods include carbon dioxide and cold press extraction. Some companies, however, use cheap methods and potentially toxic solvents, like propane, hexane and butane, to extract THC from the plant.
  3. Is it independently tested? Look for companies that independently test their products and provide a certificate of analysis (COA). Testing can include microbiology, pesticide, mycotoxin, residual solvent, heavy metals and more.
  4. What’s the THC level? Check every product for its THC potency. Some products contain higher levels of THC, which could be harmful to your pet. Look for products with less than 0.3% THC. All of the products we recommend are derived from hemp and, thus, should always fall below this level.

CBD Treats For Your Dog’s Benefit

There are a lot of CBD products on the market for pets, so we weeded through them all to find the highest quality CBD products for your pup. Be sure to read our reviews of the best CBD oil for dogs and the best CBD treats, which include extensive pros and cons, ingredients, pricing and more.  CBD treats for your dog’s benefits can change the way your pooch looks & feels – and a healthier pet means a happier you.


How long does it take for CBD dog treats to kick in?

CBD typically takes 30-60 minutes to take effect in your canine, but keep in mind that the type of delivery (oils, treats, topicals, etc) in addition to your dog’s breed, weight, genetics and familiarity with phytocannabinoid compounds.

Do CBD dog treats help with anxiety?

CBD can certainly help your dog with any nervousness, anxiety or stress problems.  Many small breed dog owners prefer to give their canines Cannabidiol derived from hemp because there is reduced risk of psychoactivity (little-to-no THC content), but hemp CBD is very capable as a relaxant.

Do CBD treats get dogs high?

Hemp CBD dog treats must contain < 0.3% THC content in order to be legal for sale in the United States.  These figures mean that there is very little risk of your dog “feeling high” when consuming hemp CBD products.  Cannabis-derived products pose more of a risk to mind-altering effects of THC.

What happens if my dog eats too many CBD treats?

Although it is not common for any serious side effects from eating too many CBD dog treats, there are instances of nausea, diarrhea, lethargy or discomfort.  Because there is little-to-no THC contents in hemp-derived CBD dog treats, there is very little risk of your dog experiencing psychoactivity.

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Verlota Inc. products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information contained in or made available through Verlota.com website is not intended to constitute or substitute legal advice or consultation from medical or veterinary professionals. See verlota.com/terms-and-conditions

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