As pet owners, we spend a lot of time worrying about the health and wellbeing of our pets. We obsess about making sure that we are feeding them the right food to maintain a healthy coat and gums, but there are factors we rarely consider when trying to maintain the health of our pets: their sleep. When we get less than our average 7 to 9 hours of sleep we notice that our days can feel long and we’ll become sluggish towards the end of the day. Dogs require more than twice what we do.
The average dog requires 14 to 16 hours of sleep a day to remain their rambunctious selves. If they are having issues with maintaining a regular sleep schedule it can lead to a laundry list of health problems, lethargy and even changes in attitude. In this blog we will take a look at some factors that could be inhibiting your pet from getting their 16 hours of beauty rest and how our pet CBD Oil can help with your dog sleep.
Puppy CBD for sleep is also worth exploring as young dogs are just like our human kids – they need all the rest they can get to grow big and strong like the rest of us. CBD for dog sleep isn’t a drowsy sedative meant to knock your pets out, it is essentially a natural calming supplement that can also help our dogs relax and feel less strain from pain, inflammation or nausea. If you’ve ever wondered “will CBD help my dog sleep?” then this article is a good place to begin.
Just like with us pet owners, when your dogs aren’t getting sufficient sleep it could be stemming from a host of different issues varying in severity. If you notice that your doggo seems disoriented or is acting on edge during the day it could be a sign that Fido isn’t getting a full night’s rest. Restlessness, stress, anxiety, snoring and even the rare sleep apnea in dogs could be the culprit. Sometimes the problem isn’t what’s ailing your dog but what they’re lacking in their daily diet or fitness routine. Including CBD to help your dog sleep can be an affordable option for soothing your pup’s nervous ticks, ease their aches & pains or help to stimulate their poor appetites.
How Do I Stop My Dog From Snoring?

You may notice that your pupper almost snores as much as a person does, leading to issues with not only your pet, but you getting the required hours of sleep we mentioned before. There are plenty of things to try when you’re wondering how to stop your dog from snoring and we’ll take a look at some of the best options in this post. Just like in their human counterparts, dogs snore because of a restriction in their nasal passage ways. This symptom affects overweight and flat-faced dogs like schitzus, bulldogs and pugs the most, but can be as simple as your dog sleeping on its back. If it’s the latter, it can be solved by as simple of a solution as changing their position while they sleep.
There is a chance that they will just roll back into that position afterwards, but it’s the thought that counts. More serious issues you may come across while trying to get your dog to stop snoring is obesity. In America, obesity affects upwards of 100-million dogs. If your dog tends to shake the walls when it sleeps and is overweight then there’s a good chance that weight is the issue.
Sometimes in our pursuit of alleviating specific ailments like sleep deprivation, we forget to address all the extraneous factors like diet, fitness and lifestyle. CBD for your dog’s sleep might help to alleviate the problem, but don’t forget to balance your pup’s diet, keep them active and be sure to foster good behaviors to avoid obesity being the cause for your doggo’s restless nights.
Does My Dog Have Sleep Apnea?

Another ailment that could be running-a-muck with your pet’s 16 hours of rest could be sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is relatively rare in dogs, but in the few cases it does garner a year, can be fatal if left untreated. As always, the first step should always be to take your dog or cat to your veterinarian to diagnose the problem. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder where, during the night, a patient’s breathing suddenly stops and starts. Treating humans suffering from sleep apnea is as easy as getting a C-PAP machine to continuously pump humidified air into your lungs while you’re asleep, basically forcing oxygen into your system so that you don’t go without air while you sleep. It’s not as easy of a fix in dogs. A few signs that your dog may be suffering from sleep apnea are:
- Snoring suddenly starting while your pet is already asleep
- Allergies lead to pain & inflammation in dogs & restricting the nasal passage ways
- They’re an older dog
- Infection in the tooth or gums could cause an abscess that is causing your dogs snoring or apnea
- Changes in attitude and even aggression during the day due to loss of sleep
CBD oil for dogs to sleep better has received a lot of attention in recent years, but in terms of actual sleep apnea research in dogs there’s lots of work left to do. Nevertheless, you can work to combat the disorder with a few lifestyle changes. One of the most common causes of sleep apnea is obesity. Making sure your pet is remaining active is a good way to shed weight and will also help your pet achieve a deeper sleep. Just like with snoring, sleep apnea will affect a breed with a flat-face or restricted nasal-passage most. Puppy CBD for sleep and overactivity, even nervousness are some of the more popular applications for this hemp-derived phytocompound. CBD oil for dogs to help them sleep can also help them to relax, promoting calmer days and nights. When your pet is sleeping more consistently and they achieve a deeper sleep at night, they’ll feel more rested during the day.
If dog exercise and diet don’t help with your dog sleep apnea then there’s a chance they may require surgery to open up the nasal passage that’s causing the stoppage in breathing at night. Beyond these options, try including CBD to help your dog sleep in order to contribute to overall calm in your pet. CBD oil and snoring might not have the most direct relationship with one another, but when you rely on CBD for your dog’s sleep you’re contributing to more consistent rest, deeper sleep, and an easier time falling asleep.

CBD Oil for dogs is never to be taken as a “cure-all” for your pet’s ailments, but can greatly improve their quality of life. Restlessness in dogs is a common occurrence that can lead to interrupted sleep and mood swings during the day. Restlessness in dogs is usually directly correlated with feelings of being anxious, nervous or scared. The calming elements of CBD oil can help your pup relax and get a solid night sleep without having to resort to more harsh, over the counter medications. CBD oil for dogs to sleep better at night or puppy CBD for sleep to help with all those frequent “puppy crash-naps” can certainly turn your dog’s restlessness into a quiet, restful day/night for you and your pet. For more on Anxiety in dogs & cats, refer to the Verlota Pets ailment guide.
Our pets are members of our families. We go above and beyond to make sure they’re healthy. We buy specialized Dog foods because we know they can’t cook for themselves. We wash and groom them because we want to keep their skin healthy and cut their nails so that they’re not in pain when they walk. But there’s only so many warning signs we can be on the lookout for. Monitoring your pet’s sleeping habits may not be very high up on our list of priorities, but it should be. Making sure our pets are getting enough rest at night is just as important as making sure WE get enough rest at night. If we go too long without a good night’s sleep we can notice changes to our immune system and even attitude. Not enough sleep can make us irritable and ‘fuzzy’, it can affect our eating habits and cause weight issues which can then lead to more severe problems with diabetes and sleep apnea. Does CBD oil help your dogs sleep better? It certainly can if you balance it with consistent exercise, healthy diets and a generous amount of love from owner to pet.
We have control over our sleep and know when something is off. Your pet isn’t blessed with the same privileges because we don’t speak the same languages. It’s our duty, as pet owners, to monitor the health and well-being of our furry family members and we hope that the information in this blog will assist you in catching the warning signs early and provide you with some solutions as well. While Verlota loves CBD and has seen it work wonders in our own pets and families, we recommend that if you notice anything strange in your pet’s behavior or sleeping patterns, that you schedule a vet visit as soon as possible. Once the problem is identified, then you can begin working CBD oil for your dog’s sleep into your pet’s daily routine and see the results for yourself.
Whether you struggle with your young pup being up all night trying to play, or your older canine that snores uncontrollably, puppy CBD for sleep and CBD oil for snoring can change the way your pooches get their much needed R&R. CBD for dog sleep means a quieter, sleepier pup and a calmer, equally sleep-easy owner.

How Can I get my dog to stop snoring?
If your pooch is a flat-faced dog you probably won’t be able to, but try adjusting their position or working some more exercise into their daily routine. CBD oil for snoring might not open your pup’s nasal passageways, but it can certainly aid your dog in being calm, relaxed and more apt for consistent sleep.
Will CBD oil help my dog sleep?
Yes, it will. CBD for your dog’s sleep has an effect that will cause most dogs to rest easier, more consistently. It won’t work like a sleeping pill, but it will help calm your pooch for a more restful sleep. Many caring pet owners are turning to CBD for dogs to sleep more consistently, fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. CBD to help puppies sleep is one of the most popular applications, because we all know our littlest, furriest & fluffiest friends could use all the help they can get when it comes to sleeping consistently.
Does CBD Oil help with snoring in dogs?
Not directly – CBD Oil to help dogs sleep is great for calm, nervousness, soreness and fatigue whereas snoring is more related to breed and weight. Nonetheless, giving your pets CBD to help your dog sleep can undoubtedly contribute to more consistent, sound sleep by supporting their healthy diet, fitness and recovery from injuries & illnesses.
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