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Can Benefit Dogs: CBD for Dogs, and How it Can Change your Pet’s Quality of Life

Verlota Author
Published: April 12, 2019
Categories: Pet
CBD Can Benefit Dogs

A Healthy, Happy Dog’s Personal Story of Recovery, Rejuvenation and Rambunctiousness

My name is Coco. I am a red Siberian Husky, and resident Dog-Blogger here at Wild Thing Pets.  My owner gave me the day off – you know, from “dog stuff” – so that I could be here today to tell you and your dog about something that’s changed my life.

CBD… Let’s talk about it.   Ready? Set? Woof!

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CBD.  Cannabidiol.  It’s not the most common tongue-wagging topic at the dog park.  I used to be one of those dogs that didn’t know about the benefits that this plant-derived remedy has to offer.  But all of that changed one day, when my owner brought home a little tincture of liquid Health & Happiness.

But Coco… you look simply stunning! What health problems do YOU have?!”… I know, I’m a particularly pulchritudinous pup… but I wasn’t always this pawsome, fit and fluffy.  Believe it or not, I used to suffer from a dog’s breakfast of health issues: joint pain, itchy skin and dull coat, loss of appetite, anxiety and even sleep deprivation.

CBD derived from Hemp is legal – and it’s going to change your dog’s life!

My owner was worried about all these daily-grind issues affecting my quality of life.  I’m only 7 (human) years old, so it’s not like I’m approaching “Old Yeller” status yet… Nonetheless, she tried a lot of different things to kickstart my health – but to no lasting effects.

Little did I know, but my vitality was about to go through some very positive changes, very quickly.  My owner is amazing: she buys me top-quality food from the “expensive pet store”; she keeps me checked-up with the Vet; and she takes me for walks, hikes and dog park visits everyday!  She was doing everything right… and yet my health problems persisted. My ailments were worse than that squirrel outside! Persistent, annoying, and persistently annoying.

Benefits of giving your dog CBD

She didn’t give up on me though.  She did her research, she talked to doctors, dogtors and looked into something called “holistics”.  She’d read all of these new – and pretty confusing – things to me, but through it all I really appreciated her going the extra mile for me.  That girl’s got dog-level loyalty!

One day – it was a Monday, I remember because Monday is garbage day, and the garbage truck was outside and the squirrel was chattering at the garbage man, so I was barking and barking and barking… Did I mention I had an anxiety problem, before?

So on this Monday, my owner came home early from her job and she had a surprise for me.  She held out a little glass bottle and a bag of treats. Treats! That got my attention!  I immediately wolfed some down, and then my owner gave me some drops out of the little bottle.  I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I had just been given a life-altering remedy to all my ailments.

CBD has undoubtedly improved my well-being

Within no time, my aches and pains disappeared.  Then, I noticed… that I could notice more things! I was focused, but relaxed; calm, but clear of mind.  And then, when I ate my lunch I didn’t have any stomach pain, queasiness or cramping. I started to realize – you can’t just eat well, be active and expect to be healthy.  Sometimes, even if you do everything right, you still need a little supplementation. My owner realized, and helped me realize, that what I needed was C-B-D.

CBD derived from hemp – which was recently legalized in December across the U.S. – is often associated with its much-maligned cousin plant: cannabis.  Don’t worry, I’m not here to get you in trouble with the law (my sister’s fuzzband, Goliath, is a police dog for yelpin’ out loud!).

Ailments Guide:

Benefits of giving your dog CBD

Cannabidiol is easy to include in any dog’s routine

Hemp-derived CBD oil or CBD dog treats are completely safe, effective and are more affordable than you might think.

If your dog is a fidgeter and doesn’t take medicine well, I’d recommend a couple drops from a tincture of CBD oil.  Is your dog a picky eater? Skip the primo table-scraps and try some CBD bite-sized treats: they’re chewy, they’re delicious… Oh, and they’ll rejuvenate your dog’s skin & coat, soothe their pain & inflammation and calm any nervous or aggressive behaviors.  Sound too good to be true? It’s not, it’s just CBD.

The fact that CBD has been so widely used for so many ailments – not to mention it’s virtually side-effect free! – was enough to convince my owner that it was time to give CBD a go.  Anything that has been shown to balance hormone levels, maintain a strong immune system, and help fight cancer was enough to make my owner paws, think about it, and then try this wonder-remedy.

Cannabidiol is easy to include in any dog’s routine

CBD got me out of bed and on all fours again

I know I probably sound like I’m chasing my tail – round-and-round about the healing powers of CBD – but it’s because there’s just so many benefits to including CBD in your dog’s routine.  

My owner and I used to struggle to deal with my injuries, or conditions that I developed over time.  We thought we were doing everything right, but one of the best parts of my daily CBD intake is that it’s proactive

I’m all about problem solving: when I forgot where I buried that bone at the beach, I just roll-up my furry sleeves and dig out the whole darn beach! Maybe it’s something in my nature as a hard-working husky-dog, but I like to figure things out before they have the chance to become a problem.  I should’ve clued in to this for my health, but like a lot of us – humans and pets – we only pay attention to our health when it’s bothering us (like that dang squirrel!).

CBD is non-psychoactive, can be included in any diet for any breed and as long as it’s dosed properly it can be side-effect free.  One of the best parts of using hemp-derived Cannabidiol is that it has little-to-no THC in it.  Tetrahydrocannabinol – it’s just easier to say THC! – is the main culprit for that “high” some people or dogs feel when they consume cannabis.  Hemp CBD can be isolated on its own so that your dog doesn’t get that “stoned pup” daze – but even when it is present, such as in a full-spectrum CBD product, Cannabidiol works to negate the effects of the “high” associated with THC.  The way I remember the differences between THC & CBD this is:

CBD = Canine Beneficial? Definitely!

THC = Totally High Canine

CBD = Canine Beneficial? Definitely!

I am a lucky pup because I found CBD before I suffered any serious ailments.  Many dogs I consider part of my ‘pack’ have had, or continue to experience, life-altering injuries and illnesses like arthritis, gastrointestinal imbalance, insomnia, behavioral disorders (hyperactivity, over-aggression) and too many types of cancer to count on both paws.  As sad as it is to see my furriends affected by this ever-expanding list of symptoms, I am confident that their recovery and management of these ailments can be overcome with CBD.

I’m proud to say that I’ve helped a lot of my paw-pals-and-gals by spreading knowledge about CBD.  I’m a “good boy”, and I like to share. Whether it’s my favorite chew-toy, a cool-amazing-unique stick I just found at the park, or my experience with the life-changing benefits of Cannabidiol I’m always happy to help my fellow canines and their owners – especially when it can lead to the greatest thing of all: Health & Happiness.

Because: when you have a Healthy Pet, you can be a Happy You.

Thank you for reading my story, and I hope my pup-perspective will help you and your dog towards a healthy future.  I’ll be back with more gnawledge on CBD real soon, but until then:

Hugs —  Coco

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Coco's Paw Print

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