Building muscle and making sure you are a healthy weight are vitally important when maintaining a strong wellbeing and a healthy body. Those who dedicate themselves to the gym or a sport on a regular basis are always looking for ways to improve their game and become a stronger, better athlete. Many turn to supplements to help them reach a certain goal, but with those supplements comes a long list of side effects that can be harmful on your long term health. This is where CBD enters the conversation. Millions of athletes across the world are using CBD for its natural properties that are able to help with pain, inflammation, focus and so much more. CBD oil for bodybuilding is one of the newest, most popular uses for this potent plant compound.

CBD for Building Muscles

When it comes to CBD and muscle growth the public knowledge is certainly common, but research is still in the early stages. When our body consumes CBD it regulates our homeostasis and helps regulate cortisol levels, this is due to the anti-catabolic properties that CBD possesses, which in turn aids in both muscle building and also muscle recovery. CBD for building muscles also helps to increase muscle growth and what is known a protein synthesis. When our body produces too much cortisol it can break down the body’s muscle tissue as it targets and reduces protein synthesis which in turn stops muscles from growing. CBD oil bodybuilding has been known to impact cortisol levels and help maintain a healthy balance of cortisol throughout the body. As we go through the day our cortisol levels fluctuate, typically responding to the degrees of stress we go through. When working out, our body goes through a high level of physical stress which ultimately increases our cortisol levels. When our cortisol levels are too high it can cause higher than normal blood pressure and begin to eat up muscle tissue, which prevents the body from building any new muscle mass.
When we take CBD oil for muscles it helps balance our cortisol levels, comparing that to the pre workout you are taking or other harmful supplements which are packed with caffeine and other unhelpful ingredients that forces our cortisol levels to spike. Relying on CBD for muscle growth as an alternative can help keep cortisol levels at a healthy level which ultimately helps build more muscle by slowing down the breakdown caused by cortisol. This is also why a lot of individuals are using CBD oil bodybuilding. Bodybuilding puts a lot of stress on the body, more so then other sports due to the nature of lifting heavy. CBD muscle growth not only helps manage cortisol levels but helps with muscle recovery and more importantly limiting inflammation, which is why a lot of people use CBD for building muscles.
Looking to build muscle while recovering from your hard workouts? Look no further then Verlota Total Body Capsules – 30 Caps – 3000mg CBD. CBD Total Body Capsules have 3000 mg of Hemp-derived CBD, this potent remedy does the heavy lifting against muscle cramps, pain, swelling and spasms. Total Body Capsules were designed to cut down on recovery time, support muscle growth and nourish both the mind & body. Verlota’s Body Capsules are packed with ,100 % American-grown hemp cannabidiol extract (CBD), BCAA, L-Arginine, Glutamine, Creatine, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Each ingredient blends perfectly to provide increased recovery time, muscle build attributes and immune boosting ingredients.
CBD Helps With Sleep

CBD for building muscles isn’t the only prominent use for this phyto compound. CBD is showing signs that it can help those who suffer from insomnia and is becoming a common sleep aid for millions of Americans. Sleep is huge when it comes to building muscle, when you get a good night rest your entire body functions at a much higher level. While you sleep your body helps build and repair muscles, during sleep our body stimulates stem cells into new muscle fibers, helps convert lactic acid to glucose in the liver, gets rid of cellular debris from injured areas and helps restore proteins. When we don’t get enough sleep our body’s create higher cortisol levels, a reduction in testosterone and a possible reduction in insulin-like growth factor 1. When taking CBD oil for muscle building it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, specifically the CB2 receptors located in the limbic and paralimbic part of the brain which is the area that regulates both mood and sleep. Taking CBD can help with falling into a deep REM sleep, which allows your body to increase protein synthesis helping build muscle tissues during the time when cortisol levels are at its lowest.
To get the proper rest and recovery you need to build muscle we recommend our most popular product Motus CBD Power Drops (ISO) – 30 ml – 1000 mg – Power Drops by Motus is a daily supplement that can help to prevent pain & inflammation, cramping, spasms and fitness related injuries. With 1000 mg of Hemp-derived CBD Isolate, this CBD Oil tincture has all the healing power you need to take your game to the next level. Power Drops can be ingested orally – under the tongue, mixed in food or drink – or topically. Once you add these into your daily workout routine you will begin to feel more rested, energized and most importantly start to feel physically stronger. Packed with 100 % American-grown hemp cannabidiol extract (CBD), Hemp Seed Oil and Omegas-3-6-9, Motus CBD Power Drops will help you before an all around better, healthier athlete. CBD muscle growth go hand in hand, so try CBD for building muscles with Motus CBD Power Drops.
CBD Helps With Stamina

The endocannabinoid system is a key contributor to having an increase in stamina and being able to push your limits to the next level. A perfect example of this is the runners high, where an athletes body is in the midst of a workout and instead of feeling tired the body begins to reduce stress, decrease the feeling of pain and boost euphoria, not really things you associate with a long hard workout. Within the endocannabinoid system is a natural compound known as anandamide, when this compound rushes throughout the brain the runners high effects begin to kick in during the workout. When we take CBD it directly regulates the anandamide compound, helping produce it in larger quantities therefore pushing the body into the state runners high increasing stamina and helping workout longer and build more muscle. This is why CBD and muscle growth have become more closely linked in the past decade.
Another key factor when increasing stamina and building muscle is the maintenance of blood sugar levels. For those with things like type 2 diabetes chronic inflammation has been proven cause a resistance in insulin throughout the body. When taking CBD for building muscles it has shown to help with the immune system, cell growth, sugar metabolism and heart function, this is all down to CBD’s anti inflammatory properties. Regulating blood sugar means your body has less insulin which results in less fat being stored. When the body has less fat stored the body works as an anti-catabolic mode helping produce more muscle.
CBD Oil For Muscle Recovery

Preforming at a high level either on the field or in the gym is a great way to build muscle and stay both healthy and fit. But with those intense regiments comes the aftereffects, problems such as fatigue, pain and inflammation all creep up in the body the more you push yourself. When these issues arise most athletes turn to over the counter medications. Usually athletes turn to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs which help with dealing with fatigue and muscle soreness, but as time goes on the effects can become less effective and NSAID’s can take a toll on your organs after a while.
This is why a lot of athletes are turning to CBD for muscle building due to its all-natural healing compounds. When the body is pushed during a workout, muscle fibers rub against each other creating micro tears within the fiber, this results in muscle inflammation. When our muscles become inflamed it’s due to the muscle being damaged. When we give these muscles time to repair the muscles become stronger, but there is always pain associated with the over use of muscles. Mentioned above, CBD and muscle growth come about from Cannabidiol interacting with your endocannabinoid system – a complex nervous system that regulates functions of the brain that directly deal with endocrine and immune tissues. When CBD binds with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system it boosts its performance helping enhance the protection of the nervous system, increasing homeostasis, strengthening immune balance and reducing stress on the body. CBD oil for muscle recovery body works at a faster pace which helps athletes get back onto the field on into the gym quicker, allowing them to workout more often and harder leading to more to time to build muscle and become a more complete athlete.
When looking for CBD oil for muscle recovery try out Motus Power Freeze CBD Roll-On – 90 ml – 500 mg – CBD Power Freeze Roll-On will help you worry less about recovering and focus on what matters: achieving your fitness goals and performing at the highest level. With 500 mg of Hemp-derived CBD, this potent remedy stops muscle cramps, pain, swelling and spasms in their tracks. Power Freeze was designed for convenient, on-demand pain & inflammation relief for helping you achieve your fitness or sports goals. Loaded with 100 % American-grown hemp cannabidiol extract (CBD), Natural Menthol. Ilex Paraguariensis Extract, Uncaria Tomentosa Extract and Boswelia Serrata Extract, each time you use Motus Power Freeze CBD Roll-On your body will instantly begin to recover, helping you build muscle while feeling no pain.
CBD Oil Bodybuilding

CBD for building muscles is a natural choice. Taking CBD for muscle growth is completely safe to use, high doses of CBD show no signs of side effects. You don’t need that much but there is no standard dose. The rule of thumb is around 1-6 milligrams of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. It’s all about trial and error, try a few different dosage sizes to know what best suits you. CBD oil for bodybuilding can help with variety of factors like reducing inflammation, speeding up recovery and increasing stamina that also contribute to CBD muscle growth.
Verlota CBD products are created with today’s athlete in mind. CBD oil bodybuilding is really gaining ground in the world of weight lifting because Cannabidiol is excellent for helping your mind & body cope with stress, it can aid in your muscles’ recovery, and can help you rest & recharge after a tough day at the gym.
Individual fitness fanatic and sports professionals are excited about the potential of CBD and muscle growth. Here are some reasons why those aiming to improve their performance should try out CBD products:
- Inhibits pain and inflammation both during and after exercise
- Help with nausea and feeling of sickness especially during intense physical training
- Indirectly stimulates appetite, helping sportspeople such as power-lifters and MMA fighters to consume the extra calories needed for building muscle.
- Can help treat muscle spasms
- Helps to reduce game-day stress, anxiety from over-exertion
- Settles your gastrointestinal tract & gut
- Promotes relaxation and helps improve sleep quality
- Non-psychoactive
- Natural alternative to opioids or pain medications for pain & inflammation management
- Soothes sore, cramped muscles or spasms
- Supports muscle recovery & muscle building
Each of our products are sourced with 100 % American-grown hemp cannabidiol extract (CBD). There are a lot of fitness supplements on the market, but nothing is as versatile, safe and naturally potent as hemp-derived CBD. Invest yourself in Verlota products and experience the natural empowerment of Hemp-derived CBD.
Does CBD help with muscle growth?
CBD can indirectly influence your muscles’ ability to strengthen and grow by improving your rest & recovery. During REM periods of sleep – which Cannabidiol has shown to have a positive impact on – your cortisol levels in your muscles are at their minimums. This reduced cortisol promotes protein synthesis, strengthening, repairing and building muscle tissues.
How much CBD should I take for muscle recovery?
There is no “one dose fits all” when it comes to CBD, but a generally accepted rule for average dosing involves 1-5 mg / 10 lbs of body weight. So, for the average person who is 150 lbs, that’s 15 – 75 mg per dose. These figures should only be considered as average ranges, and by no means should you rely on these ranges only. CBD has unique effects on each individual, so discovering your ideal dose is part of the process of optimizing your relationship with Cannabidiol.
Does CBD affect muscle growth?
As mentioned earlier, CBD has been shown to help your body rest, recover and achieve REM sleep. Once in REM cycles, your body can more easily rebuild and grow new muscle tissues which certainly improves muscle development. CBD for building muscles is one of the most popular uses for this powerful plant compound.