It’s important to know that when talking about CBD and THC we are talking about the cannabis plant and the compounds that come from the plant. Most CBD is derived from hemp where THC is derived from marijuana, both are just two different variations of the cannabis plant. So what makes them different you ask? It all comes down to their concentrations of THC. When a cannabis plant contains 0.3 percent or less of THC it is considered hemp, while plants with more then 0.3 THC is considered marijuana. Confused yet? Don’t worry, this article will explain further the differences between CBD and THC.

Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is our major regulatory system within our body. Our ECS is the biological system that interacts with active chemical compounds we put into our body like CBD and THC, it is mainly responsible for side effects when you use cannabis. The ECS is made up of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors that our body produces naturally. Our cannabinoid receptors are mainly known as CB1 and CB2, these receptors are the reason cannabis has the healing properties it does in our bodies and why THC gets us “high” and why CBD doesn’t.

When THC is consumed it binds directly with our CB1 receptors effecting our brain and nervous system which is why you get the feeling of being “high”, whereas CBD binds and interacts with CB2 receptors and various other receptors in the body which reduces things like inflammation and anxiety.
Why CBD Doesn’t Get You High
Cannabidoil also known as CBD is one of over 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids which are found in the cannabis plant. As we touched on before, when you consume THC it contains psychoactive properties, binding with our CB1 receptors interacting with our brain and nervous system. CBD which has zero psychoactive properties binds with our CB2 receptors which are found throughout the body and not interfering with our cognitive function. CBD targets proteins in our brain and nervous system which helps regular cell activities, when CBD interacts with our brain signaling system it provides relief such as anxiety and pain. CBD even benefits our bones and immune system working as an anti inflammatory and antioxidant throughout the body, helping keep our cells safe from certain damages. THC is cultivated specifically from the cannabis plants which contains higher level of concentrated THC. CBD however is found in both cannabis plants and hemp plants, with majority of CBD products being sourced directly from a hemp plant. Hemp plants are classified as hemp due to the fact it has 0.3 percent THC, this is why it is the direct source of for natural CBD and permitted by the US government through the Farm Bill to facilitate the commercial cultivation, processing and marketing of hemp.
Both CBD and THC contain numerous health benefits, THC has been widely legalized in dozens of states throughout America and hemp CBD was recently permitted to be sold and marketed throughout the United States permitting it contains the legal limit of 0.3 THC. Both THC and CBD are derived from the cannabis plant, with THC getting it’s health properties specifically from marijuana plants where it contains anywhere from 5-30 percent of THC. CBD is sourced from hemp plants with less then 0.3 percent of THC.
THC has been proven to be an effective pain management tool for various diseases and ailments but many people don’t want to use it for the reason that they will feel the psychoactive effects known to give off the feeling of being “high”. This is why CBD is overtaking THC for it’s medical properties, you can use CBD to help with health problems without any of the side effects of THC.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has studied the various benefits CBD can have on major diseases. First they found that CBD has no negative health outcomes or side effects and is an effective medicinal option, with CBD being a safe and well tolerated by those who use it. Since CBD has no psychoactive compounds it doesn’t have any addictive elements to it and those who use it cannot become dependent or abuse it. Unlike THC, CBD isn’t used to feel “high”. In fact, there is evidence to show that CBD reduces the feeling of being “high” and that it can be used if someone has consumed too much THC to help come down. The study goes on to state that CBD can potentially treat various diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, psychosis and various other serious conditions. It has also been medically proven to help those who suffer from epileptic seizures, reducing the extreme effects and amount of seizures by a significant amount. More research needs to be conducted on the connection between CBD what it can fully do to help with these diseases, but as larger studies continue it looks like a promising medical option.

CBD also has many properties that can help with less serious medical ailments such as pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, skin conditions and type 1 diabetes.
Pain and Inflammation
CBD oil has shown to help with common pain relief and the degeneration of the nervous system. As we touched on before, CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system which regulates things like pain and our immune system. CBD has shown to reduce chronic pain by interacting with the endocannabinoid receptors activity, lowering inflammation and pain. In a study done by the Journal of Experimental Medicine CBD significantly reduced inflammation and pain in rats and mice. Another study conducted on mice found that injections of CBD reduced pain response to surgical incisions. The National Center for Biotechnology Information claims that inflammation can lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases, CBD can help reduce inflammation in the body helping alleviate these specific diseases. Until more research and studies are done on humans, it’s important to understand that CBD and it’s effects are in it’s infancy stages.
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression effect millions of Americans every year with many relying on antidepressants to help with their issues. CBD has shown signs that it can help reduce both depression and anxiety. THC is normally not recommended when suffering from depression and anxiety due to the fact it can cause paranoia and worsen conditions. CBD however was reviewed by the Journal of Neurotherapeutics where they found that CBD can help with certain anxiety disorders like PTSD, general anxiety disorders, panic disorders OCD and even substance abuse disorders. CBD has also shown to reduce depression by increasing the serotonergic and glutamate cortical signaling which is usually low in those suffering from depression.
Skin Conditions
Inflammation can be a root cause with so many skin problems, we’ve already touched on the benefits both CBD can have on inflammation and the same goes for acne. Within the cannabinoids there are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which helps reduce puffiness, swelling and even soreness. CBD is known to bind to a specific set of receptors in the skin known as TRPV-1, helping ease things such as heat, itch and pain. This provides a soothing effect on your skin, with natural fatty acids and antioxidants in hempseed oil CBD can be an excellent choice for those with dry skin and eczema. CBD also contains certain nutrients like vitamin E which is known to help nourish skin.
Type 1 Diabetes
CBD has been known to provide multiple benefits of weight loss by helping covert white fat into the healthier brown fat, promoting insulin production and sugar metabolism. There is a possibility that CBD can help transform white fats into brown fats. CBD has been found to help stimulate genes and proteins which improves the process of breaking down and oxidizing fats, also increasing the body’s ability to burn calories by expanding the activity of mitochondria. Mitochondria is what makes brown fat look the way it does. CDB may have the ability to induce the fat browning process, converting white fats into the healthier brown fats. This makes CBD a potential promising agent for helping prevent obesity. The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin in the human body, diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin. CBD receptors are highly prevalent is the pancreas where CB1 receptors have been found specifically in the pancreas islet cells, which in plain language is where insulin is produced. This suggests that CBD may stimulate those specific receptors helping produce to higher levels of insulin production. It should be said however that there has not been enough medical research to definitively prove CB1 receptors directly produce insulin in the pancreas.
The Legality Behind CBD and THC

In 2018, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill) was signed. The Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substance Act, allowing for commercial hemp cultivation. This saw hemp regulations move from the Drug Enforcement Administration to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Farm Bill granted the Food and Drug Administration the power to control and regulate products containing cannabis-derived compounds which includes CBD. If CBD is meant to be used as a drug, food, dietary supplement or cosmetic then it is subject to Food and Drug Administration regulation. The Food and Drug Administration is currently evaluating CBD and its safety.
Currently 11 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. An additional 22 states — along with U.S. territories Puerto Rico and Guam — allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes. Cannabis remains illegal at the Federal level of government. For a full list of states and their status on marijuana visit here.
With all the attention CBD has received online, many active individuals have done the research and tested out a wide variety of these kinds of products. Today, Cannabidiol is as popular at the gym as pre-workouts or pain relievers. More and more athletes are relying on CBD’s risk-free, natural healing properties to help them recover faster so they can get back to performing at their best. There’s no dangers of psychoactive effects, no long-term negative side effects, and there’s so many ways to get your CBD fix. Have you experienced the benefits of living the CBD life? Media outlets, sports professionals and a growing number of supporters are talking about the effectiveness of CBD, so it’s time to start listening.
Hemp CBD oil is a very diverse product: it can be taken under the tongue to be absorbed sublingually; it can be applied topically and rubbed onto sore or inflamed areas; and it can be added to food and drink to digested. Hemp CBD oil is a fantastic product for athletes because it is so versatile – it can be taken for an energy boost, to enhance mental focus, to improve sleep the night before a big performance, to soothe aching muscles or to reduce swelling/inflammation. CBD oil is also popular because it usually contains beneficial omegas-3-6-9. Hemp seed oil is a common carrier for CBD, and it naturally has a lot of synergistic effects with cannabidiol being from the same plant.
Why choose CBD Oil? That’s easy: there’s so many ways it can be effective for your health & fitness, it’s more difficult to think of ways that it can’t be beneficial. CBD Oil is often the first product type that newbies try, and for many of those first-timers it remains the product of choice for as long as they rely on CBD. Taking Cannabidiol under the tongue, adding it to food or drinks, rubbing it onto your skin, even putting it in cosmetic products like skin creams or shampoos, you name it and there’s probably a way to include CBD Oil. For these reasons, CBD Oil provides some of the best bang-for-your-buck, and it’s also one of the easiest products to control your dose with (a few drops, a few vials, etc). Hemp CBD Oil comes in many concentrations, but again we recommend starting at the low end (avg. 250 mg – 2000 mg per 30 ml bottle) and beginning on a slow dose (suggested use, per manufacturer).
Topicals containing hemp-derived CBD have a broad spectrum of delivery methods: creams, gels, sprays, oils and roll-on applicators. Many athletes turn to the soothing relief of a CBD topical when pain or swelling strikes, or if they are injured and they want to avoid inflammation. Roll-on applicators are a great method of easing sore muscles, as the roller distributes CBD relief to the affected area it also massages the muscles. How quickly Cannabidiol is absorbed into the skin and how long relief lasts for are very individual, but generally speaking topicals are fast acting.
Why try CBD Topicals? When you need relief quickly, to a very specific area suffering from pain, inflammation or spasms, a couple passes with a CBD Roll-on and you’ll be thankful for this on-demand remedy. Hemp CBD Topicals are fast acting, short lasting, but focused on satisfying your speedy recovery needs. A lot of fitness professionals and athletes have CBD Roll-on Applicators in their bags, for when muscle cramps, spasms, soreness or swelling strike. Professionals and amateurs alike can’t afford to lose time or progress to nagging injuries that happen all the time; they also can’t rely on pain medications so frequently, because of the long-term health risks of over-use. Cannabidiol topicals are hard working, efficient, and can go a long way in helping you reach your fitness goals, no matter what those are.
CBD capsules are literally like having the health boosting powers of CBD in the palm of your hand. Hemp CBD Capsules have to be digested, so the effects of the encapsulated CBD usually take a bit longer to take hold. Nonetheless, the duration and potency of CBD ingested in this way are usually the longest/strongest. Many athletes take CBD as an energy-boosting pre-workout, or to calm their nerves/muscles as a post-workout, but there’s always the popular method of taking it as a daily supplement too. Whatever your needs, CBD capsules are a convenient way to enhance your health.
Why take CBD Capsules? Why not? Many of us take a handful of vitamins or supplements everyday, what’s a few more caps? When you add CBD to your daily routine, you might not need so many other health & fitness supplements because Cannabidiol is so multi-faceted. CBD can help your body heal, supports your brain function, increases energy and enhances your ability to get in shape and stay fit. Hemp CBD Capsules are also very affordable, easy to take with you on the go, and they come in a variety of potency options (500 mg – 2000 mg per 30-90 capsules).