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Balance CBD Oil
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Balance FSO CBD Oil
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Compared to a lot of other cities in the US, Cincinnati doesn’t get a lot of love. And that’s a shame considering just how special of a city it actually is. There are a lot of things that make this a unique area, such as being the first city founded after the Revolutionary War and one of the only cities within a day’s drive of 50% of the US population!
Of course, those are only points that matter from the past — what is Cincinnati doing now to make it so special? Economically, not only is Cincinnati big but it’s growing. This city is the fastest-growing economic center in the entire Midwest — with all the benefits that entails. More people are moving here and jobs are more plentiful than ever.
This is also a big sports city with Major League teams in most major sports, including the NFL, MLB and even soccer. Not only are there a good number of professional sports teams today, but the first Major League Baseball team ever was founded in the city — The Cincinnati Red Stockings.
But perhaps one of the best things about this city is how important health is here. The Midwest often gets a bad rap for obesity and heart disease, but people here really care about their health and it shows. For that and other reasons, CBD in Cincinnati is becoming more popular every day. But what is it with this whole CBD fad and where can you buy CBD oil in Cincinnati?

The Healthy People of Cincinnati
Being healthy is a full-time job. It often takes a combination of physical activity, a good diet and other factors to be at the top of your game. Cincinnati doesn’t excellent job at that, due in part to both the personal actions of local citizens as well as the layout of the city itself.
For instance, over half of all residents are within walking distance of some sort of park, meaning that they are less than half a mile away. This is well above the national average and is excellent since finding passive ways to stay active is the most effective way of making it part of your routine. Staying active is linked to countless health benefits ranging from your heart even to your brain.
Another issue we can link to good health in the area is the massive amount of public funding spent on health. In fact, the local government here spends three times the national average on the health care of its citizens. While a portion of that probably goes to caring for the uninsured, a large part of that goes to upgrading hospitals and making sure there are enough beds to care for patients in the community.
Not having access to health care is one of the main reasons why people often don’t do any sort of preventative care for themselves. Going to the doctor and getting medications can be very expensive in the US, with many people only showing up at the doorstep of the emergency room when they’re at death’s door. Seeing your doctor regularly and having a good relationship with them is key to long-term health.
Of course, another recent development in the story of health and Cincinnati is that of CBD. CBD has exploded in popularity in recent years frankly because it works. But what exactly does CBD do and why are so many people using CBD in Cincinnati?

What is CBD?
Just about everybody’s heard about CBD these days but not everybody knows what it actually is. To answer the first question that many people have: no, CBD is not a marijuana product. Most, if not all, CBD products in the market today are extracted from hemp. This is for a variety of reasons, including that it’s legal in all 50 states, as well as it contains little to no THC.
Even though marijuana is legal in the state of Ohio for medical purposes, since CBD is not something that you would get from a prescription, it cannot contain THC. Even though it may be impossible to have absolutely zero percent THC from a cannabis plant, the legal limit is .03%. Anything below that is considered THC free.
CBD, like many other compounds found within the cannabis plant, has been used since well before we had recorded history. The primary reason for that is because it works so well with the endocannabinoid system that you have within your body. In fact, the name of that system comes from the fact that it produces compounds remarkably similar to those found within cannabis plants.
CBD is known for its relaxation properties but it can do so much more than just make you feel chill. The endocannabinoid system is an extremely complex part of your body that science is only now starting to understand and CBD appears to play a role in stimulating that system and its effects. Recent studies are showing a wide variety of benefits ranging from the nervous system to the endocrine system.
But what sort of benefits could somebody here expect and why would somebody want to use CBD in Cincinnati?
Better Than Tums
The modern American diet can be considered a war on your stomach. Even some local favorites, such as Cincinnati chili, can leave you with major heartburn soon after enjoying. The antacid market is stronger than ever — and it’s no secret why!
CBD is able to help with acid reflux symptoms on two different levels. First, scientists at AstraZeneca have shown that activation of CB1, CB2, and GPR55 receptors in the endocannabinoid system can play a key role in reducing the pain due to acid reflux. Also, scientists in Italy show promising results for the overabundance of acid in the stomach in the first place by using CBD.
Sleep Support
Getting a good night’s sleep can often be an elusive proposition. Our modern life seems to be designed to stop people from sleeping, whether it be from massive amounts of blue lights from screens we look at all day or stresses that we have to deal with from work and even from life in this world. Did you know that, on average, you’re only getting 2/3 the amount of sleep your grandparents did at the same age?
CBD has a very strong effect on the nervous system. One of the major causes of sleeplessness is overstimulation and CBD appears to be perfectly suited for significant calming of the nerves. In addition, some studies .2 CBD’s ability to help your body retrain circadian rhythms there may be thrown off from having a bad sleep schedule in the first place.
Building Up Your Immune System
Nobody likes to be sick. Recent developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic have made a lot of it’s terrified of the idea of just having a headache or a cough, considering what they might eventually lead to. The last thing you want is to go about your daily life with a less than optimal immune system these days.
This is a very interesting area of research for CBD since the mechanisms behind the effects are not completely understood at the moment. However, it seems that CBD is able to play a role in making sure your white blood cells are able to quickly identify an attack bacterias and viruses while avoiding making attacks on your own body. This can not only help you prevent or at least reduce the strength of the illness, but it can also help your body avoid autoimmune effects.
Verlota has captured the essence of the 5 Health Elements – BALANCE, ENERGY, IMMUNITY, CALM, SLEEP – and channeled their revitalizing capabilities into every natural health product we offer.
Health Challenges in Cincinnati
A healthy lifestyle is a very complicated affair that can often end up taking up a lot of time in resources. The two biggest factors — eating healthy and getting enough exercise — seem like simple things to do but are often easier said than done.
These are things that the residents of Cincinnati actually do better than the average American, which is something that makes us very happy! However, all of that good work can go down the toilet with the addition of unhealthy habits. Drinking a cup of bone broth doesn’t counteract a case of beer.
That is really where the biggest problems lie here in the city of Cincinnati. Rates of smoking, alcohol abuse and drug abuse alright much higher levels than we would expect from a place that wanted to be healthy. Just to focus on smoking for a moment, while everybody knows that it can lead to lung disease, tobacco use can really do a number of the body in other areas such as in heart function.
In fact, wild heart disease isn’t seen at rates much higher than the national average, it’s very high considering how low the obesity rate is here. While physical activity and a good diet appear to be helpful in regard to body weight, the elevated smoking rates in the city undoes a lot of that good.
We’re not going to sit here and simply tell people that they need to quit smoking and to start drinking in moderation. We know that these sorts of habits are often very difficult to break. However, CBD appears to be able to play a role in this area.
A promising study out of the University College of London specifically tested smokers who were trying to quit the habit. While some had tried before and got back on the wagon, others were quitting for the first time. Despite those differences, CBD appeared to be able to help withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings from test subjects. It also showed it was able to help them change the way they remember nicotine use, helping them with the psychological aspect of addiction.
How to Use CBD
Once you have made the decision that CBD might be right for you, you’re going to need an action plan. How are you going to use it and in what form?
If you’re not really sure how to use CBD or never really used it in the past, you may want to consider the simple option of CBD oil. This is simply CBD mixed with a carrier of some sort that you take right under your tongue. An added benefit of this form compared to other types of CBD products is that you can mix CBD oil with personal care products that you already own and even in food or drink.
Another simple way of using CBD is in the form of CBD candies (with CBD gummies being the most popular form) or even CBD capsules. Just swallow a pill and you’re on your way!
CBD, since it has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties, is often used on the skin or on places of the body that may hurt, such as the lower back or joints. If you wanted to take CBD in topical form, you have many options such as CBD lotions, CBD creams, CBD salves, CBD gels.
Common forms of CBD products:
Make Verlota Your Preferred Online CBD Store Cincinnati!
The last thing anybody wants when starting to use a new supplement is questioning whether or not what they’ve purchased is any good. While we’ve already mentioned a few of the multiple benefits of CBD usage, they only apply if you’re using a quality product. Just because something says “CBD” on the bottle doesn’t mean there is CBD inside.
At Verlota, we created a brand designed to counteract all of the questions people have about the quality of CBD products on the market. Our customers know that we use the best quality ingredients, not just because we say so, but because they feel the real effects on their health.

Not only do we use exclusively organic, American grown hemp extract, but we craft our products to address one of the five primary elements of human health: Energy, Sleep, Immunity, Calm and Balance.
Cincinnati: stop settling with trying to be healthy and rethink the concept of health altogether. Our greatest achievement would be in helping you along on your journey. Visit us at, your online CBD store in Cincinnati!